Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Thou Art The Man

The short story ‘Though art the man’ by Edgar Allan Poe is an excellent example of true detective fiction in that it contains all four elements required to define the story as detective fiction. A crime is committed, a detective is involved in detecting necessary clues and an explanation is then given to piece together the mystery. Each of these four elements are skilfully woven together by Poe so that at the conclusion of the story, all elements are tied together and the reader is left wondering why he overlooked certain clues that were vital to the conclusion. The crime itself is not immediately evident to the reader. There is an element of suspense as the background to the crime is described. Poe commences his story by describing the characters and setting the scene, and in doing this he foreshadows the events to come, â€Å"This event†¦ occurred in the summer of 18†¦. Mr Barnabas Shuttleworthy had been missing for several days under circumstances which gave rise to suspicion of foul play.†(pg 269) This is a clever tool used by Poe to engage the reader and get him/her to read on in the hope of discovering the truth about the events to follow. Although the murder itself is not as macabre as some of Poe’s other pieces of fiction, the final scene in which the corpse pops out of the box is very descriptive and quite gruesome. The story is interesting in that it is written in first person and the reader never really knows the identity of the ‘detective’ who is also the narrator. This is an interesting tool used by Poe as many detective fiction authors use a sidekick to ‘bounce ideas off’ such as Watson to Sherlock Holmes but in this story the detective/narrator uses the readers as his sidekick to explain ideas and clues. As the detective remains anonymous the reader does not find out much about him but Poe has given the idea that he can be trusted and is reliable to detect the truth. â€Å"†¦I instituted a r... Free Essays on Thou Art The Man Free Essays on Thou Art The Man The short story ‘Though art the man’ by Edgar Allan Poe is an excellent example of true detective fiction in that it contains all four elements required to define the story as detective fiction. A crime is committed, a detective is involved in detecting necessary clues and an explanation is then given to piece together the mystery. Each of these four elements are skilfully woven together by Poe so that at the conclusion of the story, all elements are tied together and the reader is left wondering why he overlooked certain clues that were vital to the conclusion. The crime itself is not immediately evident to the reader. There is an element of suspense as the background to the crime is described. Poe commences his story by describing the characters and setting the scene, and in doing this he foreshadows the events to come, â€Å"This event†¦ occurred in the summer of 18†¦. Mr Barnabas Shuttleworthy had been missing for several days under circumstances which gave rise to suspicion of foul play.†(pg 269) This is a clever tool used by Poe to engage the reader and get him/her to read on in the hope of discovering the truth about the events to follow. Although the murder itself is not as macabre as some of Poe’s other pieces of fiction, the final scene in which the corpse pops out of the box is very descriptive and quite gruesome. The story is interesting in that it is written in first person and the reader never really knows the identity of the ‘detective’ who is also the narrator. This is an interesting tool used by Poe as many detective fiction authors use a sidekick to ‘bounce ideas off’ such as Watson to Sherlock Holmes but in this story the detective/narrator uses the readers as his sidekick to explain ideas and clues. As the detective remains anonymous the reader does not find out much about him but Poe has given the idea that he can be trusted and is reliable to detect the truth. â€Å"†¦I instituted a r...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Violaciones migratorias por las que te pueden deportar

Violaciones migratorias por las que te pueden deportar Todos las personas extranjeras que se encuentran presentes en Estados Unidos pueden ser deportadas o expulsadas si comenten ciertos delitos o violaciones migratorias o de alguna forma incumplen cualquiera de las leyes de los Estados Unidos. Es decir, la remocià ³n puede afectar tanto a migrantes indocumentados como a extranjeros con visas temporales no inmigrantes como a residentes permanentes legales que tienen una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. En este artà ­culo se explican cules son las violaciones migratorias y quà © se puede hacer si las autoridades migratorias inician un procedimiento para la deportacià ³n de una persona. Cules son las violaciones migratorias Obviamente, si ninguna autoridad se da cuenta de que la has hecho, no va a pasar nada. Pero si te agarran, dependiendo de las circunstancias del problema, te pueden deportar o  expulsar automticamente. Si ya ests fuera de Estados Unidos,  no te van a dar ningà ºn tipo de visa o documento para ingresar legalmente al paà ­s, porque se te considera inadmisible, salvo casos muy concretos en los que se puede pedir un perdà ³n. Las siguientes, entre otras, se consideran violaciones migratorias: 1. Ingresar a Estados Unidos ilegalmente 1 vez: esto es, cuando se entra sin pasar por el debido control de las autoridades de Inmigracià ³n en un puesto fronterizo terrestre, puerto o aeropuerto. Para haber ingresado legalmente es preciso que un oficial de la CBP (policà ­a fronteriza) nos dà © el OK como admitido (admitted) o parole.  Hay que tener en cuenta que ingresar ms veces o despuà ©s de haber sido deportado produce efectos ms complicados. 2. Quedarse en Estados Unidos ms tiempo del permitido: eso es lo que se conoce como overstay. Sucede con las visas no inmigrante tipo turista, estudiante, intercambio, etc (mucho cuidado con confundir la fecha de vencimiento del visado con el dà ­a tope para salir de Estados Unidos. Son dos cosas muy distintas). Tambià ©n afecta a las personas que pertenecen a un paà ­s que puede venir a EEUU como turista sin visa (estos à ºltimos sà ³lo pueden estar 90 dà ­as corridos, ni uno ms). Relacionado con este punto hay que tener en cuenta que que es posible ser removido de Estados Unidos cuando ya se ha acabado el permiso de dà ­as de estancia y se est pendiente de una solicitud de extensià ³n pedida dentro de plazo. Estos son casos raros, pero si es posible. 3. Ser un fugitivo migratorio: es decir, una persona que tiene una orden de deportacià ³n y no sale de Estados Unidos para cumplirla (es posible tener una orden de deportacià ³n y no saberlo, asà ­ te puedes enterar). Tambià ©n entran dentro de esta categorà ­a todos los extranjeros que tienen una cita para presentarse ante un oficial del ICE y no lo hacen y se les declara la deportacià ³n in absentia. Los fugitivos migratorios son un objetivo prioritario para ser deportados. 4. Violar las condiciones de la visa: en este apartado pueden darse diferentes comportamientos. Por ejemplo, trabajar con una visa de turista, no ir a clases cuando se tiene una visa de estudiante, utilizar la visa de turista en vez de la de estudiante, no abandonar Estados Unidos inmediatamente cuando el empleador en una visa J-1 de intercambio pone fin a la relacià ³n laboral, etc.   5. Matrimonio de conveniencia: cuando se obtiene la residencia por matrimonio y à ©ste finaliza por anulacià ³n o divorcio antes de que transcurran dos aà ±os desde la fecha en la que el cà ³nyuge extranjero ingresà ³ a Estados Unidos con una visa de inmigrante u otro documento emitido por razà ³n de ese matrimonio.   6. Finalizar la residencia condicional sin convertirla en permanente: Esto sucede en dos situaciones: En primer lugar, si obtienes la tarjeta de residencia por matrimonio y desde el dà ­a de la boda hasta el dà ­a en que te conviertes en residente han transcurrido menos de dos aà ±os, entonces tu residencia es condicional. Y hay que esperar dos aà ±os desde el dà ­a en que se obtuvo la residencia para convertirla en definitiva. Pero si no se produce ese levantamiento de la condicionalidad porque el matrimonio ha finalizado, porque el cà ³nyuge americano se niega a firmar o por otras razones, entonces debes abandonar Estados Unidos (a menos que por otra causa puedas quedarse legalmente). Esto tambià ©n es asà ­ para tus hijos que obtuvieron su tarjeta de residencia tambià ©n condicional, en virtud de tu matrimonio. Y en segundo lugar, si obtienes la tarjeta de residencia por inversià ³n, tà º, tu cà ³nyuge y tus hijos tienen una residencia condicional por dos aà ±os. Si no se cumplen las condiciones para levantar la condicionalidad de la residencia tienes que abandonar Estados Unidos. Si te quedas estars cometiendo una violacià ³n migratoria. 7. Contrabando de personas, lo que en las leyes de inmigracià ³n se conoce como smuggling. Te pueden acusar de esto si has ayudado, asistido o incluso simplemente animado a que otra ingrese o intente ingresar ilegalmente a los Estados Unidos. Si bien hay importantes excepciones y formas de luchar contra una acusacià ³n de contrabando de personas. 8. Mentir en cualquiera de sus formas para obtener una visa o cualquier beneficio migratorio, como por ejemplo un ajuste de estatus, etc.   Quà © pasa cuando Inmigracià ³n descubre una  violacià ³n migratoria Ninguna de las acciones mencionadas anteriormente son un delito. Sin embargo, pueden tener consecuencias migratorias muy graves: que no se puede regresar a EEUU por ser inadmisible (salvo los casos de perdones cuando es posible) y que si ests en EEUU puedes acabar siendo objeto de una remocià ³n, mediante una expulsià ³n inmediata o mediante una deportacià ³n.   El no ser un delito eso quiere decir que si ests en EEUU y una Corte de Inmigracià ³n te envà ­a una citacià ³n si se inicia un procedimiento de deportacià ³n (pero no en el caso de expulsià ³n inmediata). En estos casos  tienes que pagar tà º por el abogado, o conseguir uno pro bono que decida no cobrar. A diferencia de lo que ocurre cuando te acusan de un delito, el gobierno no te pone un abogado si no te lo puedes pagar. La consecuencia es que la mayorà ­a de inmigrantes con casos abiertos en cortes de inmigracià ³n no tienen abogado, se intentan defender a sà ­ mismos, no presentan evidencias y acaban perdiendo casos en nà ºmeros altà ­simos.   Es muy importante contar con un buen abogado, es decir, que tenga conocimientos, reputacià ³n y consideracià ³n de honesto.   Con el abogado hay que debatir cul es la mejor estrategia a seguir, ya que va a depender de las caracterà ­sticas del caso de cada uno. No hay la misma solucià ³n para todos.   Es importante analizar si puede ser conveniente solicitar una salida voluntaria. O, por el contrario, ver si es posible luchar la deportacià ³n mediante la obtencià ³n de alguna medida de alivio, como por ejemplo el asilo o la cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n. En corto: consecuencias de una violacià ³n migratoria si te agarran Puede significar la remocià ³n de Estados Unidos mediante una expulsià ³n inmediata, una deportacià ³n o una salida voluntaria, dependiendo del caso. O puede ser que signifique que no se puede regresar a Estados Unidos porque no se obtiene visa en los consulados por ser considerado inadmisible o porque el oficial migratorio en un puesto de control considera que la persona no puede ingresar. En este punto tener en cuenta que en los puntos de ingreso a Estados Unidos los oficiales migratorios estn autorizados a pedir acceso a aparatos electrà ³nicos como telà ©fono o computadoras. Adems, el sistema informtico de las aduanas es uno de los ms completos del mundo y contienen mucha informacià ³n.  ¿Es posible pedir un perdà ³n (waiver)? Depende del tipo de infraccià ³n que convierte a una persona en inadmisible a veces es posible pedir un perdà ³n y asà ­ regresar a Estados Unidos. Y si  se desea obtener una visa no inmigrante, como la de turista, estudiante, trabajador temporero, etc o una green card habr problemas muy serios. Si bien es cierto que en algunos casos es posible  solicitar un perdà ³n, tambià ©n conocido como waiver o permiso, cuyos requisitos operan de manera diferente segà ºn se pide una visa no inmigrante o una inmigrante y tambià ©n de cul es la causa de la violacià ³n migratoria. Por à ºltimo, tener en cuenta que los perdones son difà ­ciles de obtener y requieren que se cumplan todos los requisitos. Es muy importante evitar ser và ­ctima de abogados sin escrà ºpulos que aseguran conocer a una persona que los arregla a cambio de dinero. En la actualidad todos los perdones se tramitan en los Estados Unidos. Para tener una oportunidad para obtener el perdà ³n lo fundamental es cumplir los requisitos que pide la ley y contar con un abogado competente y honesto. Ley que aplica en caso de violaciones migratorias Para los interesados se recomienda leer la Ley de Inmigracià ³n y Nacionalidad INA 237 (a)(1) en varios apartados. Este artà ­culo es sà ³lo informativo. No es consejo legal.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Compensation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Compensation - Assignment Example Person-focused pay is advantageous since it controls costs and motivates employees’ productivity. Employees should be rewarded according to their productivity and not according to amount of their salaries. The factors that an employee need to have in order to be entitled for rewards are work output quality, work output quantity, work safety records, work attendance, and monthly sales. The company in the case study need to implement the following four types of employees’ incentive plans. Management rewards plan that awards managers when they exceed or meet the sales, production, or profit objectives. Piecework plans that reward employees for every unity produced. Behavioral incentive plan that award employees for accomplishing specific behavior such as safety records and good attendance. Person-focused pay plans will be of broad significant not only to the employees but also towards the organization’s productions.This is because the plans will motivate employees’ productivity as well as controlling costs that the company incurs (Gregory, 2009). Therefore, the management should not use the roles of Jane and the shift leader to determine whether they should be entitled for overtime but factors such as work output quality, work output quantity, work safety records, work attendance, and monthly sales. Job evaluation is defined as an objective and systematic process that organizations use to compared all jobs performed by employees to determine the worth or value of each job category. The focus of job evaluation is to evaluate the job and not the workers who undertake the job (Robinson, Wahlstrom & Mecham, 2004). The criteria used for job evaluation include factors like skills needed, education qualification, job responsibilities and working conditions. Moreover, there are four main methods that managers use to evaluate jobs in their organizations. Job ranking-This method of job evaluation involves ranking all jobs done in an organization in an order of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

France In 1799 - 1815 And Napoleonic Wars Term Paper

France In 1799 - 1815 And Napoleonic Wars - Term Paper Example To many, the Napoleonic wars fought between 1799 and 1815 remained as an extension of the French Revolution.1 Napoleonic wars became fought for over 2 decades and entailed a number of certain distinct campaigns. First of all, the French revolution majorly entailed other dynastic rulers in Europe and the Habsburgs combined in an attempt to conquer the French that had attempted to conquer the world. The First Coalition wars occurred in 1792 to 1797 and entailed the French Revolution and some Italian campaign. Other campaigns included in the Napoleonic wars included Napoleonic war in Egypt, between 1798 to 1801, the second Coalition, between 1798 to 1801, the Third Coalition, in 1805, Fourth Coalition, between 1806 to 1807, Fifth Coalition, in 1809, the Peninsular war, between 1808 to 1814, invasion of Russia, in 1812, Germany invasion in 1813, France invasion in 1814, and finally the 100 days campaign carried out in 1815. 1. First Coalition of Napoleonic War This occurred in the year 1 793 to 1797. In the war, France fought to oppose certain things in the French rule and did it in association with countries like Prussia, Austria, Spain, Great Britain, Sardinia and the Netherlands. 2At that time, Bonaparte became assigned with the role of conducting armed forces operations towards Austrian forces in the given Northern Italy part after a directory from the French administration. a. French Revolution Napoleonic wars and the French revolution occupied 25 years of the late 18th and early 19th century. The wars represented the first European war that remained general since the given Seven Years’ war between 1756 and 1763. The wars also represented continuity among the European alliance systems plus ideologies with an exception of the noted first 2 years of the given French Republic between 1792 and 1794. During the wars, six European countries made a coalition challenging French expansion. Moreover, to counter the number of opposition the French got from the Euro pean nations, French also formed allies to help it in wars. It is via the wars that various radical changes became made in the international system. The war majorly brought radical changes in the French government as its policies regarding its enemies changed. As the war progressed, and policies changed regarding whom to trust and who to wage war against, at some point the French threatened the German princes existing on the western bank of the given Rhine and the Austrian Netherlands that had been in the given Habsburg possession since the year 1724. Acquisition of conquered regions led to French cultural domination over these regions. 3 Napoleon Reforms As a ruler, amidst the French revolution, Napoleon set forth to make major reforms in the legal system since the given old feudal plus royal laws proved inefficient and contradictory to the people. Before Napoleon came with changes in France law, France did not possess a given set of laws. France used to be governed by local laws t hat gave the nobles some privileges above the law. This made the citizens angry about the rules and hence revolted. It is during the French revolution that feudalism became abolished. Therefore, the laws that Napoleon introduced at that time became referred to as Napoleon code. The Napoleon code never biased people in relation to their birth, and allowed the concept of freedom of religion to become practiced in France. Furthermore, the codes specified that jobs in the government remained to be awarded to only the most

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Proposal to Research the Liquid Remains After Resomation Essay Example for Free

A Proposal to Research the Liquid Remains After Resomation Essay Resomation is an alternative to cremation that helps the funeral industry and cuts down mercury emissions. The new technique of disposing a corpse is still not welcomed into potential clients mind frame do to the lack of information on the left over liquid once resomation is completed. I propose more research to be done on the liquid left behind and that the data collected to be shared with the general public. The research will be conducted within two years and six months with the result being a press release of our findings. I am asking for 1,388,800 dollars to fund this research and two years and six months to complete the project. With our findings clientele will be more aware of resomation and the components of the liquid that remains after completion. Introduction Cremation accounts for 34.34 percent of all corpse disposal in the United States in 2006 and is expected to rise to 58.85 percent by 2025 (CANA, 2008). Unfortunately, in the process of cremation, there are considerable amounts of mercury emissions into the atmosphere. Approximately 320 pounds of mercury is released by U.S. crematoriums each year (Reindl, 2008). Because of the high levels of mercury dispersed by U.S. crematoriums it is necessary for more research to be done on resomation as an alternative to cremation. This document is proposing more research to be done on resomation’s environmental aspects after the resomation process. This proposal will include the following information. The background on cremation, mercury and resomation will be covered, followed by my qualifications and project description. Background Since the 1870’s cremation has been a means of disposing a human body in the United States. However, cremation only accounted for 5 percent of all dispositions until 1972 when the market started to gain popularity (Davis and Mates, Page 102). As stated in the introduction, in 2006 cremation accounted for 34.34 percent of all dispositions and is expected to increase to 58.85 percent by 2025 (CANA, 2008). With the interest in cremation growing, so is the concern of mercury emissions due to the dental fillings of the deceased during cremation. The dental work has been accounting for approximately 320 pounds of mercury into the atmosphere. The amount of mercury emitted is estimated to rise even higher as more families are choosing cremation (Reindle, 2008). There are many questions regarding how to handle the mercury situation respectfully, safely and environmentally. Resomation is a new technique being used in 6 states in the U.S.(ABC News, 2011). The new process is beneficial to the funeral industry because of its fuel efficiency (Resomation LTD). This new technique can help the funeral industry make more profit along with reducing mercury emissions, that is if potential consumers choose resomation. Resomation still sets potential consumers ill at ease. The potential clientele are still hesitant to use the new method of disposition because of the liquids leftover after the process is finished (NYTimes). Some fear that the liquids are harmful for the environment because there have been few studies on the topic. The problem is potential clientele are reluctant to use resomation for fear that the liquid could be detrimental to the environment and to themselves (TIME). Research needs to be done so that there is more information for the general public about resomation. With this information available potential consumers will choose resomation over cremation. Qualifications I am a junior in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at Oregon state University, majoring in Human Development and Family Sciences with a minor in Biology. I have taken several classes related to chemical compounds, environmental studies and the human body. These courses will aid me in gathering research along with other scientists on my team. Leadership and organization are traits I posses and have shown in my previous work experiences. In my experience as a funeral directors assistant I was able to converse with families about the reasons they decided to not choose resomation. From my conversations with them I found that the overall concern was due to the liquefying process. Because of this experience in my life I feel like I can understand the concern of the general public. Project Description The purpose of this proposal is to conduct research revolving around the remaining liquid after the resomation process is completed. The results found in the research will give us information on whether the remaining liquid is environmentally safe or unsafe. Objectives In our research I will achieve the following goals: * Determine the exact chemical makeup of the remaining liquid left after resomation has taken place. * Determine if the liquid is environmentally safe. * Complete a press release on the findings. Methodology My plan for achieving the goals discussed in the previous section is by testing the liquid of donated human corpses after resomation has taken place. We plan on using 150 donated corpses to conduct the research study. Once the bodies have been resomated we will collect five samples of the liquid remains to be tested later on in the study. Testing the liquid will be done by using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance. Mass spectrometry is a technique used for separating and identifying molecules based on mass. This technique will help determine the molecules in the liquid and will be able to identify if any of the deceased DNA is present (Genetics, 2003). Nuclear magnetic resonance is used to determine the structure of new natural and synthetic compounds, the purity of send compounds and its chemical reaction with the other compounds in the solution (Medical Discoveries, 1997). These two tools are able to determine chemical structures so that an accurate description of the liquids makeup can be found. With these instruments at hand we can determine the chemical compounds of the liquid down to its basic chemical elements. Once we have the chemical make-up of the liquid, we will begin to start looking at their reactions to the environment and if it is harmful. When it is determined that the material contained in the liquid is harmful or not harmful, we will begin work on a journal article that states our findings. After the journal article is finished we will create a press release so that our findings can be made known to the media. To respect the families of those who donated their bodies, we wish to return the ashes to them. This will not be a great cost to the project for it is just sending the remains to their family’s homes. Evaluation Tracking the experiments progress will be done by having the scientists and graduate students participating in the study keep journals of their progress each day. This way of tracking will help determine if we are moving at a slower or faster pace than what we are scheduled. Check points throughout the study will also be a way to evaluate our progress. An example of a check point would be to have all the samples of the remaining liquid collected by October of 2012. These check points will help the study stay on track and also give us small goals to achieve throughout the process. Determining if the project is successful or unsuccessful relies on if we can determine the chemicals present in the liquid. The success is not necessarily determined by if the liquids are environmentally safe. Whether our findings say it safe or unsafe we will be learning more about resomation which is a success because little is known about the process. Schedule The set schedule for the entire project is two years and six months, starting January of 2012. I will need seven months to find a location for the project to take place and for the equipment to be installed. Also within those seven months I intend to employ six graduate students and three scientists to work alongside me. After the completion of the seven months we will begin on the process of disposing of the donated bodies and taking samples of the remaining liquid. The course of disposing of the 150 human bodies will be given three months for completion, October of 2012. After all the samples are collected we will begin on using mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance to determine the chemical compounds of the liquid. This part of the study must be completed by March of 2013. Once the data is collect from the samples we will need two months to determine if the compounds are environmentally friendly, May 2013. By the June of 2013 we will begin work on a journal article and have it completed by July of 2014. After the article is finished we will have a press release on our findings. The press release should be completed by August of 2014 and sent into the public. Budget The budget for this project is broken down as follows. * 400,000 dollars for a resomation chamber (Resomation Ltd.) * 68,800 dollars for a mass spectrometer (Labx) * 20,000 dollars for a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer (Labx) * 800,000 dollars for employment of workers * 150,000 dollars for facility coverage for two years and six months * 100,000 for lab equipment I need 1,388,800 dollars to complete this project. I will need 538,800 dollars immediately to begin purchasing the equipment and securing a location. The rest of the 850,000 can be given in increments throughout the course of the project. Conclusion More research needs to be done on resomation so that more information is available to potential clientele. With this research I plan to determine the exact chemical makeup of the remaining liquid left after resomation has taken place and its environmental risks. After the project is complete, a press release will be created to inform the general public of our findings. With this association’s involvement in our research we can increase the use of resomation by the potential clientele. Resomation will financially benefit the funeral industry overtime more so than cremation (Rindle, 2008). The process of resomation is more cost effective for the funeral industry than cremation because it uses fewer resources, such as fuel. Not only does resomation help this association, but it also helps cut down on mercury emissions caused by cremation. With your financing of my project, potential clientele will begin to choose resomation over cremation. This new process will be benefitting both the National Funeral Directors Association and the environment. Works Cited Aquamation, a Form of Cremation: Better for the Environment? TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews TIME.com. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2022206,00.html. About CANA. Cremation Association of North America (CANA). Cremation Association of North America, 2000. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. http://www.cremationassociation.org/?page=AboutCANA. Davies, Douglas James., and Lewis H. Mates. CANA. Encyclopedia of Cremation. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005. Print. Klotz, Irene. Resomation Green Alternative to Cremation or Burial After Funeral, to Be Offered in Florida ABC News. ABCNews.com: Daily News, Breaking News and Video Broadcasts ABC News. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/resomation-green-alternative-cremation-burial-funeral-offered-florida/story?id=14457825. Konigsberg, Ruth Davis. Resomation NYTimes.com. The New York Times Breaking News, World News Multimedia. 13 Dec. 2009. Web. 02 Dec. 2 011. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9504E1DD1E39F930A25751C1A96F9C8B63. NMR Systems, New and Used NMR Spectrometers For Sale. LabX New and Used Laboratory Equipment For Sale, Auctions, Wanted. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://www.labx.com/v2/newad.cfm?catid=18. Reindl, John. Summary of References on Mercury Emissions from Crematoria. Tech. 2008. Web. 7 Nov. 2011. http://www.ejnet.org/crematoria/reindl.pdf. Robinson, Richard. Mass Spectrometry. Genetics. 2003. Encyclopedia.com. 2 Dec. 2011 http://www.encyclopedia.com. The Resomation Process. Resomation Home. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. http://www.resomation.com/index_files/Page347.htm. X-ray Crystallography. Medical Discoveries. 1997. Encyclopedia.com. 2 Dec. 2011 http://www.encyclopedia.com. Bibliography About CANA. Cremation Association of North America (CANA). Cremation Association of North America, 2000. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. http://www.cremationassociation.org/?page=AboutCANA. Age Data. Census Bureau Home Page. 2010. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/age/general-age.html. Ashes to Ashes: Comparative Law regarding Survivors Disputes concerning Cremation and Cremated Remains. Oregon State University Libraries. Web. 07 Nov. 2011. http://mw8xt6bj7r.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004. Aquamation, a Form of Cremation: Better for the Environment? TIME. Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews TIME.com. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,2022206,00.html. Davies, Douglas James., and Lewis H. Mates. CANA. Encyclopedia of Cremation. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2005. Print. Exit Strategies; Green Funerals. The Economist (US) 18 Sept. 2010. Print. Klotz, Irene. Resomation Green Alterna tive to Cremation or Burial After Funeral, to Be Offered in Florida ABC News. ABCNews.com: Daily News, Breaking News and Video Broadcasts ABC News. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/resomation-green-alternative-cremation-burial-funeral-offered-florida/story?id=14457825.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Robert Jordans Wheel of Time :: Robert Jordan Wheel of Time

Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time â€Å"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.† (Jordan, 1). In the world of Robert Jordan’s bestselling fantasy series, "The Wheel of Time", the life of the ordinary people has been undergoing some extraordinary changes. The legendary Dragon has been Reborn, and the Last Battle to decide the fate of humanity draws nigh. Meanwhile, outside of this world sit millions of readers, from all reaches of life, waiting anxiously for the next chapter in the story to be told. They debate what has happened, what it means in the context of the story, what it means for the future of the Wheel, as well as how it impacts their lives’. The Wheel of Time is a world where absolute good battles absolute evil, and yet shades of grey cloud the landscape. A world of hope and despair, a world of peace and war. From this world a following has grown. People from different cultures, different languages, and different political ideologies gravitate together forming a cohesive group that helps to spread the word about the work of Robert Jordan. In much the same manner that J.R.R. Tolkien created a myth for the modern ages with his saga "The Lord of the Rings" and George Lucas has done with his "Star Wars" series of movies, so has Robert Jordan entered into the realm of mythology with his work "The Wheel of Time". And this myth, like those which have come recently, and those from antiquity, has created a community of followers around it. They are drawn together initially because of a personal interest, and they stay not only for that interest, but because of the community that grows as a result of engaging themselves with this story. The world of the Wheel is one that is beginning to see turmoil when it is first introduced to the readers. Winter is holding on much longer than it should, and there is fear in the air (Jordan Eye 11). Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time :: Robert Jordan Wheel of Time Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time â€Å"The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose in the Mountains of Mist. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning.† (Jordan, 1). In the world of Robert Jordan’s bestselling fantasy series, "The Wheel of Time", the life of the ordinary people has been undergoing some extraordinary changes. The legendary Dragon has been Reborn, and the Last Battle to decide the fate of humanity draws nigh. Meanwhile, outside of this world sit millions of readers, from all reaches of life, waiting anxiously for the next chapter in the story to be told. They debate what has happened, what it means in the context of the story, what it means for the future of the Wheel, as well as how it impacts their lives’. The Wheel of Time is a world where absolute good battles absolute evil, and yet shades of grey cloud the landscape. A world of hope and despair, a world of peace and war. From this world a following has grown. People from different cultures, different languages, and different political ideologies gravitate together forming a cohesive group that helps to spread the word about the work of Robert Jordan. In much the same manner that J.R.R. Tolkien created a myth for the modern ages with his saga "The Lord of the Rings" and George Lucas has done with his "Star Wars" series of movies, so has Robert Jordan entered into the realm of mythology with his work "The Wheel of Time". And this myth, like those which have come recently, and those from antiquity, has created a community of followers around it. They are drawn together initially because of a personal interest, and they stay not only for that interest, but because of the community that grows as a result of engaging themselves with this story. The world of the Wheel is one that is beginning to see turmoil when it is first introduced to the readers. Winter is holding on much longer than it should, and there is fear in the air (Jordan Eye 11).

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Restaurant Review Essay

Review of China Buffet Restaurant I am a food lover, and I enjoyed eating in a Chinese restaurant. I tried different restaurants in our place, but what interests me most is the China Buffet Restaurant. China Buffet is located at Madison Avenue at the heart of Mankato, one of the biggest cities in Minnesota. The restaurant has a seating capacity of approximately 100 people. They have several food stations. Although the name China Buffet speaks for itself, their food stations consist of American, Italian, and Japanese food. The owner purposely includes a variety of food because of competition. I enjoyed eating at China Buffet because of its affordability, delicious food, and the beautiful setting. The price of their buffet is $10 per person, and it includes beverages. There are a variety of salads in their salad station: fruit, vegetable, and seafood. Their main meal is composed of chicken, pork, beef, and fish. For dessert, they serve ice cream, cookies, and different kinds of cakes. For their beverages, they serve so da, milk, juice, and chocolate milk, but tea is my favorite. The food is excellent so it’s well worth the price. China Buffet’s food is excellent and healthy. They have food stations for meat lovers and vegetarians. Their newly-opened sushi and hibachi bar is the restaurant’s crowning glory. Sushi and California maki is my starter with matching wasabi sauce. I tried their hibachi too, but it fills me up right away. The seafood station is consisting of shrimp, crab meat, clams and mussels. They have different kinds of shrimp meal. I tried their crispy shrimp which was coated with flour and egg and some seasoning. I love the crispiness of its shell and the softness of the shrimp’s meat. Their chicken satay blends well with fried rice. Their â€Å"Happy Family† meal that is common in the Chinese restaurant is so delicious. They call it â€Å"Happy Family† because it has chicken, pork, beef, shrimp, and mixed vegetables stir-fried in soy sauce and sugar. When it comes to dessert, they have different kinds of ice cream, but I love Butter Pecan the most because of i ts softness and creaminess. I can’t help but to look around at the restaurant’s attractive ambiance while I am eating. A typical Chinese restaurant, there were Chinese pictures hanging, but I love the huge picture of the Great Wall of China. From afar, it looks like a mural engraved on the restaurant’s wall. The hanging lamp gives warmth and serenity of the area. Their utensils and drink dispensers are organized and the carpet is very clean. They have a huge fish tank where most of the children are enjoying watching the fish. The ladies’ room is clean and odor free. China Buffet might not be the best Chinese Restaurant in Minnesota, but it stands out from other Chinese restaurants because it’s cheap. Its affordable price attracts customers to give it a try. Their delicious food is so inviting. The cozy atmosphere makes it a perfect place to eat and bond with a family. This week, I focused on improving my draft thesis statement, organization, developing my conclusion, and correcting grammar and comma errors. I omitted the third person in my first paragraph to demonstrate that my primary audience is my Professor. I read aloud my essay and found some grammatical errors. I read my Professor’s comments and edited my essay by following what she had written in the comments. I followed Smarthinking’s editing advice on grammar and comma errors.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

I Owe It All to You

Winds flew in every direction. With a tremendous wrath, with a sounding of voices creeping through my window as they embraced me in my sleep. Giving me the shivers to run through my spine. Waking me up! From such a sweet, sweet! Dream. It was a cold and terrifying day as I dressed myself with that old blue jacket of mine, frightened in panic and stress. For my first day of school for the cold and windy fall. I drove off to school with a big question mark on my face. Whether I would make it on time to pick my automotive class or would I sit there in dislike with a sour face on my soul, on the dislike of my classes. On my way to school I approached a fragment of the road where it looked like a horrifying most traumatic accident had happen leaving swirls of tire marks! Pieces of glass! And plastic on the floor, stained with the blood of a poor soul. As I slowly drove by the scene I could not of helped but to notice that my car was acting up. I had gotten a flat from the broken glass on the road. Like if the odds were against me, in a desperate cry for help. I cried for compassion and strength, but most importantly for my automotive class. Pulling over to fix the flat on my car, the cold and windy day fought against me making me take longer than I expect it. Causing my chances of an on time arrival at school to vanish into thin air. I got to school and entered the big red doors to the office asking for my automotive class. To my luck I was left with a sour face on my soul. It had been taken!. Left with no option but to choose the last class remaining. The seventh choice on my list Art 101. As I entered the colorful room of art I was in for the surprise of my life. Where my world would turn in an unparallel universe filled of positive influence, encouragement, persuasiveness and the most awesome job on the face of the planet. It began with a special teacher name Mr. Salas the top influential person in my career. He influenced my life in such a way that never did I had to look any were else. My first day I stepped into his colorful full of life classroom. He noticed my big sour face sitting in the far back corner of the class with a pencil and blank piece of paper. He then walked up to me and said â€Å"If you only knew what worlds await you with that pencil and paper in your hand† he left me with a question in my mind as to what he had meant by that and what was so great in his world that I did not know. Curious to know I asked him what was so intriguing that it had him hooked. With a smile on his face he gently but most kindly and confident he answered, â€Å"Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known†. If you can understand this then you will be free. As the day ended it hit me in the head like a rock thrown by a baseball pitcher. B-O-O-M† I finally understood what it meant. From that moment forth I was a changed man, I considered myself to be the luckiest man to have fallen in that class by chance. My perspective towards life changed in the blink of an eye and I knew what had to be done. I then went to him and said to him, â€Å"I’m free now†. He slowly turned and looked at me wi th a spark in his eye and yield â€Å"G-R-E-A-T†, â€Å"Now we can proceed† he said. From that day on I knew I was in debt with him. Thinking of how some stranger managed to influence my life, my thoughts. Molding me into a new man filled with an encouragement to fulfill my new dreams. As the months passed by Mr. Salas became the second person to my mother who I greatly loved, to encourage my life. He was always there with something positive to say and a hand full of answers to all my artistic problems. As our professional most friendly relationship grew. So did my progress in the art profession. He would show me the strategies and methods to an artist mind. Sculpting me! Piece by piece like if he himself was the great Michelangelo. As the days continued so did the routine and that same man walking through that door with a Hawaiian shirt he loved so much. He would walk up to me every morning and look at my work and no matter how big I had messed up his words were always the same. Filled with encouragement and excitement towards new progress. He would start being persuasive as he seen that my progress was incompatibly high. He realized that my skills were rapidly getting better by the day. Not wasting a moment of the day he would persuade me to do better. He had finally brought out on me the true potential that once was hidden deep inside me. He would make me each day practice more and more, he would call it liberation of the soul. To all I knew It felt like persuasion to do more, but that was just my opinion. He always new how to better me, pushing me to think bigger and deeper to create work of art like no other before. Till one day he entered that room.. With a bigger smile than ever before. In his hand he held a sheet of paper, he walked straight to me and said, â€Å"Guess what? †, â€Å"WHAT!? † I said. â€Å"You have been signed up to compete in an art contest! †. I did not know what to say as I felt plain as a sheet of paper and hot like the beating sun. Not knowing what to answer I smiled and said â€Å"WOW REALLY? . I had finally gotten a grip of my self and was most exited but nervous and pressured at the same time. I then entered the contest and to my biggest surprise I had won first prize. As the years passed by his persuasion was finally over, as he had finish his masterpiece. Thanking him for all the time and work he had dedicated to me. Turning me into the greatest artist i n the country ready to go out and began my solo career. As I searched for my new life as an artist. I began to create some art work to send to the biggest firms of art in the world. I felt sluggish and scared as my great art teacher was not by my side on this one. I called him over an evening night for dinner as we discussed some ideas for the projects I would send to the art firms. He then drastically described what had been the most radical stupendous idea of all time. His idea was filled of crazy ideas and lots of colors I then later that week began to work on this idea he had given me, I started to shape it and color it and twisted as I worked on it more and more I couldn’t help but to not look at it. It was perfect, I sent it in to my first choice firm and within the next day I was called upon to report myself for work. As my body felt like gravity had just came upon it, I rapidly stood up and screamed with excitement at my four walls in my small little house. I was finally a big time artist like Mr. Salas wanted me to be. He was always there for me through the good and the bad never gave up on me. Always pushing me to do better encouraging me when I most needed. If it wasn’t for that first day of school when he said to me that phrase that influenced my life, I would not be the great artist I am today. On my fist day on the job I told everybody at work how I had gotten there. Everybody was amazed at the story giving me six words and only six to say to this great man. The next day I woke up early in the morning it was a bright and warm day. The birds outside sang like never before like the angels themselves were singing. As I drove down the beautiful road full of life blowing through. I arrived at Mr. Salas house. That old yellow house In the one I spent many of my free time practicing my technique. I walked to the door and knocked on it three times. A minute ater the foot steps of someone walking towards me were heard, my heart rushed with excitement and adrenaline at the same time. When the door was finally open their stood the man that never one instant doubt it me. Holding his favorite coffee mug in one hand and in the other his all time favorite newspaper, looking at me with a smile on his face. I stood their blank as I could not of helped but to run the story in my mind of the first day I met this man. When I finally came back to reality all that came out of my mouth were them six magical words, â€Å"I OWE IT ALL TO YOU! †.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Responsible for Occupational Health Essay

Responsible for Occupational Health Essay Free Online Research Papers Introduction In recent years, an increasing awareness has emerged of the potential for occupational and environmental exposure to safety and health issues that could lead to adverse effects in both males and females workers (Bohle and Quinlan, 2000). One of the areas of employment that received increased attention over recent years is occupational health and safety (OHS), which deals with the physiological and psychological conditions of an organization’s workforce that results from the work environment (Ritchie and Herscovitch, 1995). OHS involves in promotion and maintenance of well-being of workers and it seeks to prevent accidents and diseases by ensuring that workplaces are free from hazardous conditions (Bohle and Quinlan, 2000). The attention gained in this area in Australia is a result of unacceptably high incidence of accidents, injuries, and diseases occurring at the workplace. It ranges from occupational stress, workplace physical violence and verbal abuse, and drug substances abuse in the  workplace (Bohle and Quinlan, 2000). Efforts to improve the safety and health of workers in Australia has been increasingly recognized, and legislation has been introduced to improve health and safety, yet the number of occupational injuries and illnesses continues (Le Blanc and Kelloway, 2002). Many employers had been criticised for lack of success in reducing injury rates and failure to encourage for workplace health and safety. On the other hand, employees have also been identified as an essential factor to successful workplace safety and employee’s self-responsible is also important to OHS management (Le Blanc and Kelloway, 2002). Those who involved in managing the OHS must understand the key issues and central debates if they are to make any improvements in the workplace. To identify who is principally responsible for OHS, it is essential to first explore a number of issues happened seen as critical to manage the workplace health and safety. The aim of this essay is to discuss whether the employer, the employee or the government is principally responsible for occupational health and safety in the workplace through a brief review of a number of problems happened in the workplace that associated with poor OHS performance. Drug testing In today’s workplace, drug testing has become a controversial matter and it has sparked an ongoing debate among management. Many has suggests that substance abuse can cause overwhelming risks to the public and it is important to prevent this from happening by implementing drug testing in the workplace (Draper, 1998). However, it is also suggested that drug testing is not an effectively way to overcome substance abuse as it is high in costs and most importantly, it is an invasion of privacy (Holland, Pyman and Teicher, 2005). Moreover, there are people believe that in today’s workplace, drug testing may not be popular but it is vital to a successful business (Hadfield, 2006). These individuals have actually pointed out that when public and personal safety is concerned, the safety of the public supersedes any other issue (Hadfield, 2006). This holds true in the case of airline pilots, bus drivers and health care professionals. A person who uses drugs can be a huge liabili ty to themselves, the employer, co-workers, and the public. Drug users tend to have lower productivity compared to non-drug users and they tend to have higher work injuries compared to non-drug users (Draper, 1998). To overcome this problem, a proper drug testing is conducts to discourage drug use, and to ensure public and workplace safe from accidents. Drug testing may save people on the job by not having an intoxicated co-worker making careless mistakes. Not only it would save one’s self but it would also benefit the company or organisation by having employees who are of maximum productivity (Hadfield, 2006). That is, drug testing on employees can contribute to a safer working environment, increased productivity, and better product integrity so that the organisation may see greater financial profits and improve its reputation. However, the strongest reason for opposing drug testing is the invasion of privacy (Holland, Pyman and Teicher, 2005). This occurs primarily in urinalysis, the most common drug screening process (Hadfield, 2006). Not only does this violate a persons private life, it reveals a number of other ailments that employee may be suffering and where individual wishes to hi de and keep it to themselves. For example, it can also expose an employees heart condition, depression, epilepsy, diabetes, and for women the same test can also confirm whether she is pregnant or not. Although it is argued that employee’s right to privacy is being violated, yet drug testing is simply cannot be abolished in the workplace. To address the limitations of the testing, it is the employers’ responsibility to ensure drug testing can be carried out without hassle. In this case, an employee’s handbook is essential and it should outline the reasons of conducting drug testing, the ways for employees to file grievances, and positive results from drug testing may lead to termination or referral to an employee assistant program (Winfred and Doverspike, 1997). Moreover, employers must understand that by subjecting their employees to drug tests, without sound reasoning, they will be subject to federal and state laws. If employers fail to comply with the policies associated with drug testing, the result could prove costly for the organisation, potentially leading to hostile employee attitudes and behaviors (Hadfield, 2006). Thus, it is crucial that drug testing is conducted in a way that demonstrates the importance of safety in workplace and ensures that their drug testing policies are perceived as fair by applicants and employees. However, these reasons are not the only reasons for an organisation to conduct drug tests. It is the organisation and employer’s responsibility to provide a work environment as safe as possible for employees and for the greater good of the general public. In most cases, businesses do not care what one does in the privacy at their home. It only becomes an issue when it starts to affect job performance, the health and safety of the employee, co-workers, and the general public (Winfred and Doverspike, 1997). While it is suggested that the employers are principally responsible for the drug testing in workplace, yet the government has also put in effort to improve the drug testing policies by regulating the standard of the testing (Holland, Pyman and Teicher, 2005). Besides, the government has imposed on employers to ensure the health and safety of their employees and making sure that the statutory regulations serve the needs of employees, and their rights in the workplace are not violated. One way of doing this is to provide workers with various forms of information on drug testing and rights in the workplace (Hadfield, 2006). For example, formal seminar can be conducted in the organisation by the representatives from the government as a way to communicate with the workers and to ensure they understand the importance of OHS and drug testing that could affect on them. Workplace violence Violence in the workplace emerged as an OHS issue in the past few decades and became a cultural and media phenomenon in many countries (Lord, 1998). It has gained increased attention as the awareness of its impact on workers and the workplace has grown where it often results in terrible consequences including bodily harm, stress and emotional strain (Boyd, 2002). There are increasing numbers of studies that examined workplace violence in the last decade and have focused on the factors associated as well as the consequences of it. One of the contributions to the literature has focused on determining the groups that will most likely to experience violence. For example, Boyd (2002) explains the situation that the airline companies and railway industries are currently experiencing. Millions of workers in Great Britain are suffering mild to severe level of violence at workplace where they are constantly being verbally or physically abused by customers. According to Lord (1998), workers in transportation occupations and service industry occupations accounted for 13.6 percent of the incidents of violence in their sample, and he found that verbal abuse was the most frequent type of violent act reported which accounted for 83.2%. Each of this data indicates that something is wrong at the management level of the organisation and appropriate action has to be taken immediately. It is clear that violence is a serious public health issue and employers are responsible to take proper action in preventing workplace violence results in terrible consequences on the workers. Employers must be able to recognize the risk prior to an incident occurring, educate all workers on procedures and enforce all policies to the letter (Lord, 1998). As a key to the prevention of the violence in workplace, employers need training to manage workers at risk of becoming perpetrators or victims of violent behaviour, both to protect themselves and to reduce violence in the organisation (Le Blanc and Kelloway, 2002). Training sessions conducted are particularly helpful, enabling workers to get to know who and how to get help when potentially violent situations arise (Le Blanc and Kelloway, 2002). One way to deal with aggressiveness customers or colleagues, it is important that listening skills, conflict negotiation and avoidance tactic are included in the training program (Le Blanc and Kelloway, 2002). Despite all the training and preparation the employers have made, workplace violence does happens occasionally, and therefore, workers have own responsibility to protect themselves of being harmed. Most of the time, workers have rely heavily on the law to prevent violence happening in the workplace. It is true that the government often find themselves needing to act on this issue before more and more workers are being victimized by workplace violence (Le Blanc and Kelloway, 2002). The government has used the legislative process to address workplace violence prevention, yet the numbers of workplace violence incidents remain high (Lord, 1998). It is argued that that legislation regulated by the government are not comprehensive enough to deal with workplace violence especially it is hard to define the â€Å"zone of tolerance†, and to what extent a verbal abuse is consider as illegal (Lord, 1998). In other words, more attention should be given to the role of employers, where they hold more responsibility towards the OHS of workers. One study conducted by Dupre and Barling (2006) have looked at the context of the confirmed and employers’ action. The findings suggest th at perceived injustice or unhappiness leads to workplace aggression or violence. However, this aggression and violence appear to be reduced when individuals believe that the origination will take action against people who act illegally aggressive or violently abusive to someone (Dupre and Barling, 2006). This suggests that workplace violence can be reduced or prevented, if proper actions are taken by the employers accordingly. Occupational stress Occupational stress is another factor that can negatively influence OHS and can have undesirable consequences for both the worker and the workplace. Stress includes any condition or circumstance at work that induce a negative emotional reaction such as frustration, anger, or anxiety (Peters and OConnor, 1980). There are several factors causing adverse stress within organisations, for example, pressures caused by changes in the organisation, task overload, job redesigns, personnel realignment, and changes of mission are a few of those (Peters and OConnor, 1980). In an article written in 2003, a study by the UK’s Health and Safety Executive estimates that work related stress accounts for more than a third of all new incidents of ill health, and that in the UK nearly thirteen million working days were lost due to stress, depression, and anxiety in the year of 2004 to 2005 (Teed, 2006). Furthermore, some of the researchers have also suggest that stress in work can contribute to in ability to concentrate, sleeping disorders, high blood pressure, and unexplained gastric problems such as ulcers, heart problems, and probably most troubling, associated substance abuse problems such as alcohol addiction (Peters and OConnor, 1980). Job overload is also one of the major contributors to workplace stress and it is often happen in the business world today. It is perceives as overload when workload required to be complete is greater than workers’ abilities (Teratanavat and Kleiner, 2001). Overload is certainly a stress multiplier but there are times when a business has no other alternatives than to overload if it is to survive and unfortunately, this reliance on compounding employees already over-burdened workloads seems to cause failure within the business more often than not (Teratanavat and Kleiner, 2001). From the organisations perspective, workload means productivity. Whereas from the individuals perspective, workload means time and energy (Leiter Maslach, 1997). Finding a compromise between the two perspectives is a fundamental challenge in maintaining a balanced relationship with work (Leiter Maslach, 1997). Another factor that significantly contributes to workplace stress is organisation change. Organisational change refers to changes in business mission, redesign the structure of the organisation, layoffs, re-engineering and many more (Vakola, and Nikolaou, 2005). Most employees do not like to experience organisational change where it threatens stability and security of the workplace and hence it lead to increased in tensions. Reluctance of employees to accept and adapt to change within an organisation causes unnecessary stress on both, the company and the worker (Vakola, and Nikolaou, 2005). Inevitably, individuals who resist change within the organisation incur much greater stress than they would if they would have conformed in the beginning and in most cases, the changes will occur with or without their consent. To ensure workers are not negatively impact from workplace stress, employers have the responsibility to address stress-related problems. There are many things that an organisation can do to relieve stress on its employees, where health promotion and wellness program are ways to manage stress effectively (Jackson and Schuler, 1985). The goal of health promotion and wellness program is to assist people in adopting positive behaviors that could lead to healthier lives and integrate social, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical wellness (Jackson and Schuler, 1985). Implementing health and wellness program in the workplace will not only increase a company’s overall saving with health-related employee expenses but also increase participation with enticing incentives and benefits for employees (Jackson and Schuler, 1985). To adapt wellness programs effectively, it is essential for employers to determine what the needs of their workers are, and this information can be gathered thr ough a systematic review, assessments or other records (Jackson and Schuler, 1985). When conducting this information gathering, employers must be aware that employees may be apprehensive about sharing personal health information for various reasons. Furthermore, avoidance of the adverse outcomes of stress within organisations is dependent upon proactive interventions applied with careful planning and consideration. Landsbergis and Vivona-Vaughn (1995) have suggested that employers should avoid task repetitive while assigning task to its workers, and most importantly, role conflict and ambiguity must be avoided when designing the proactive interventions. Ambiguity or not knowing exactly what an employer or organisation expectations are, has also been a particularly troubling aspect for the workers in some organisation (Landsbergis and Vivona-Vaughn, 1995). Overall, the observant employers must be able to quickly identify and address these stress related issues before they become heal th factors among their employees. Based on the discussion on problems happened in the workplace associated with poor OHS performance, it indicates that employers are principally responsible to OHS performance, while the government and workers play only minor role in regard to this issue. It is clear that if any organisation is to be successful and maintaining a high level of employee satisfaction and high productivity, employers must be aggressive in applying any interventions necessary to achieve a harmonious work environment. Being aware of the initial and follow on interventions were equally important to the organisation (Dewe and ODriscoll, 2002). In other words, employers are the primary party that can control and manage any hazardous workplace as they have greater understanding on legislation for workplace, organisational changes, decision and policies, and are able to use their perspective to create alignment around the workplace. Indeed, there is no single prescriptive approach for successful OHS management, which means employers have to be aware of the present situation and they should have the ability to see the transition to the future proposed state (Landsbergis and Vivona-Vaughn, 1995). Nevertheless, for the role of workers, they are encouraged to actively participate in any OHS programs that organised by the employers where feedback provided by the workers during the program can be useful for qualitative check on OHS performance (Bohle Quinlan, 2000). As for the government, their role is to ensure that employers comply with their legal obligation and workers are protected by the law. Conclusion In conclusion, occupational health and safety issues remain crucial for workers, employers and governments where more and more people realized that poor managed OHS can result in a shift of adverse working conditions. Not only there is the legislation that outlines the responsibilities of employers and employees, yet employers and employees have become very conscious in regard of health and safety issues that they can see a real merit in reducing human, financial and productivity losses in the workplace. The participation of workers in health and safety matters is particularly crucial where there is a great need for health and safety information to be passed on to employees. Needless to say, employers are principally responsible for OHS issues and should develop a better performance measures on OHS as they introduce an improved systems of accountability and strive to show that the resources being allocated are used appropriately and the results demonstrate the best outcomes in produc ing safe workplaces for its employees. An organisation that successfully reduces its rates and severity of occupational accidents, diseases and work-related stress levels and improves the quality of work life becomes more effective, and sees beneficial results. Whereas, an unsafe and unhealthy work environment would adversely result in direct cost by way of workers’ compensation, indirect costs in terms of lost productivity and the wider community at large, and also in terms of human pain and suffering. Hence, the management performance on OHS will constantly remain crucial for the business world today. Word count: 2992 References Bohle, P Quinlan, M. 2000, Managing Occupational Health and Safety: A Multidisciplinary Approach, 2nd Ed. Melbourne: Macmillan. Boyd, C. 2002, ‘Customer violence and employee health and safety’, Work, Employment and Society, Vo. 16, no. 1, pp. 151-169. Dewe, P. ODriscoll, M. 2002, ‘Stress management interventions: What do managers actually do?’ Personnel Review, Vol. 31, pp. 143-165. Draper, E. 1998, ‘Drug Testing in the Workplace: The Allure of Management Technologies’, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol. 18, pp.64 -106. Dupre, K. Barling, J. 2006, ‘Predicting and Preventing Supervisory Workplace Aggression’, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 11, Vol.1, pp. 13–26. Hadfield, L. 2006, ‘Drug Tests’, Occupational Health, Vol.58 (5) pp. 17-38. Holland, P., Pyman, A. Teicher, J. 2005, ‘Negotiating the contested terrain of drug testing in the Australian workplace’, Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 326-338. Jackson, S. Schuler, R. 1985, ‘A meta-analysis and conceptual critique of research on role ambiguity and role conflict in work settings’, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Vol. 36, pp. 16-78. Landsbergis, P. Vivona-Vaughn, E. 1995, ‘Evaluation of an occupational stress intervention in a public agency’, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Vol. 16, pp. 29-48. Le Blanc, M. Kelloway, E. 2002, ‘Predictors and outcomes of workplace violence and aggression’, Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 87(3), pp. 444-453. Leiter, M. Maslach, C. 1997, The truth about burnout: How organizations cause personal stress and what to do about it. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Lord, V. 1998, ‘Characteristics of Violence in State Government’, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Vol. 13(4), pp. 489-503. Peters, L. OConnor, E. 1980, ‘Situational constraints and work outcomes: The influences of a frequently overlooked construct’, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 5, pp. 391-397. Ritchie, J. Herscovitch, F. 1995, ‘From Likert to Love it: Engaging blue collar workers in focus group inquiries’, Journal of Occupational Health Safety, Vol. 11(5), pp. 471-479. Teed, R. 2006, ‘Workplace Stress: Who Is Responsible’? Financial Times, 18 November. Teratanavat, R., Kleiner, B. 2001, ‘Stress reduction in small business’, Management Research News, Vol. 24, pp. 67-71. Vakola, M. Nikolaou, I. 2005, ‘Attitudes towards organizational Change: What is the role of employees’ stress and commitment?’, Employee Relations, Vol. 27, pp. 160-174. Winfred, A. Doverspike, D. 1997, ‘Employment-Related Drug Testing: Idiosyncratic Characteristics and Issues’, Public Personnel Management, Vol. 26(1), pp. 77-87. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

A Simple Way to Complete an Outstanding Analytical Essay

A Simple Way to Complete an Outstanding Analytical Essay A Simple Way to Complete an Outstanding Analytical Essay It doesn’t matter what academic assignment you have: a simple descriptive essay or a research paper on physics. Knowing the basic principles will always help you to complete any sort of a task with minimum affords. Analytical essay is not an exception. It is a paper, where you need to analyze and interpret an event, piece of art or situation. You need to show your critical thinking and apply all of the knowledge you have gained. Decide what will be the center of your work. Any analytical essay concentrates on a topic, certain quote or issue. That is why you need to analyze the subject and decide what aspects you will focus on. Include facts on a matter to support your point of view, even if your essay is written about a book or a movie; Choose your topic. Usually professors give a topic to write about but sometimes you can choose it yourself. Here is where the most problems arise and most of the students simply don’t know how to manage the task properly. If it is a movie or a book analysis, you can back your opinion with actions of various characters. You can also analyze motives of actors or participants. If it is a historical event, don’t forget to describe the things that influenced it. As well as use scientific tools for an academic topic; Start with a thesis statement. It is one of the most important parts of any assignment, as it gives the reader a chance to understand whether he wants to go on reading. A thesis statement of an analytical essay should back your ideas and give the reader a chance to see what issues you are going to discuss; Back your thoughts with evidence. You should pay great attention to all the materials you are dealing with, as they will be later used to back your ideas. Use films, books or any other materials to support your statement and add additional evidence to your thesis. It is a great idea to explain various events or situations, which happened before the described events and their influence on the matter; Write a plan of your paper. Completing an outline may greatly simplify your life, as you will be able to always stick to the plan and remember what thinks you wanted to write about. A regular analytical essay consists of a short introduction, body and conclusions. The body paragraphs contain main information on the matter, so here you need to indicate all of the most important features on the subject. Example of an analytical essay plan: Introduction Section 1: Causes of the event Section 2: Description of the event Part 3: Reaction of the characters Conclusions Compose your analytical essay    Write the introduction. Any introduction requires careful attention to details, as it gives the reader an overall impression and encourages him to go on reading. That is why you need to be innovative and make your topic as attractive as possible. However, don’t include too many facts and details, as they may easily bore the audience. You should also try to avoid dramatic elements, like exclamation marks, as an analytical essay always remains subjective; Write body paragraphs. There is a great way to complete your body paragraphs in a simple way. You should only divide them into three parts: Write down the main sentence; Analyze the text; Include a certain fact, which will confirm your thesis and text analysis. Every paragraph should correspond with your thesis statement and provide a deep understanding of the topic. Don’t be in a hurry and complete a thorough analysis of all statements; Wisely choose a place for quotes and paraphrases. Any time you want to use someone else’s thoughts or phrases, you need to quote them inside the text. With such citations, you support your ideas or provide useful information, so it is important to add quotes to relevant paragraphs. Make sure you cite everything properly depending on the required formatting style; Write down the conclusions. When working on this section, you need to remind the audience your main statements on the topic. It is also possible to paraphrase the thesis but make it sound different from the introduction section. Provide different ideas and conclusions to make the reader think on the topic. Your opinion shouldn’t influence someone else’s assessment but still it is useful to write a couple sentences on your own ideas. Final stage Go through your paper over and over again to avoid any mistakes, including lexical and grammatical ones. Even the best paper can receive lower marks if it contains lots of mistakes and complex sentences. That is why you need to make sure that you spend enough time on correcting possible errors. If you find it difficult, ask someone to help; Read your analytical essay aloud. Students often neglect this common practice. However, it can greatly help you to concentrate on the sections, which you didn’t pay attention to. You may also see what sections or even phrases sound too complicated and which are readable. Making one step at a time, you will be able to complete an outstanding essay, which will be smooth and interesting; Eliminate all possible spelling mistakes. There is nothing worse than writing names, locations and places with mistakes. Take your time and consult several various sources to make sure you spell such information correctly. The best tips you will ever get It will be much easier to write down your thesis statement if you understand what you are willing to prove. Your opinion may change throughout the work, so you should simply alter the thesis statement a bit; Stick to the point. Some students think that writing a long essay, filled with watery sentences, is a great solution. However, any professor will agree that your analytical essay should be brief and clear. Every sentence you write should analyze a certain matter and be backed by a research; Don’t use too many quotes. Of course, it is great to use quotes and citations of scholarly sources and other authors. However, loading your text with too many details will simply do you harm, as your professor may think that you don’t have any personal thoughts on the subject; Be innovative. It is difficult to stand out from hundreds of other works, so finding a way to differ is crucial if you want to be noticed. If the topic allows, write your essay in a form of an autobiography or a letter. In addition, you can add infographics, illustrations and provocative titles to engage the reader; No everyday language. If your essay is analytical and requires a critical approach, it is necessary to avoid everyday phrases. If you decide to use slang you can sound unprofessional, which may greatly influence your final grades and overall impression from the text.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Investment Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi Essay

Investment Analysis of Coca Cola and Pepsi - Essay Example Later he formed Pepsi-Cola Company in 1902. In 1965, Pepsi-Cola Company was merged with Frito-Lay, Inc. which created PepsiCo, Inc. PepsiCo. has expanded to include various range of foods like snack foods, health drinks, etc. Their current head is Indra Nooyi who is the Chairman and CEO (Penzkofer, 2007). The major customers of the company are the young generation of people and also include the sportsman. They use mainly Sustainable Sourcing program which leads to improved performance. Coco-Cola is a carbonated soft drink company headquartered in United States. It was introduced in the year 1886. It was intended to be a patent machine; this company was bought out by Asa Griggs Candler. Through his marketing tactics, Coke became a giant Soft-drink company. The company products are sold through license Coca-Cola bottlers. The bottlers basically hold contracts to produce the cold drink and package them in cans and bottles using sweeteners and filtered water (Pendergrast, 2000). They are then sold through merchandise Coco-Cola stores and also through the vending machines. The Company also sells soda fountains to the major restaurants and food service distributors across the world. Currently Muhtar Kent is the Chairman and Chief Executive officer of the company. Answer 2 Seeing the trend we conclude that the price of Coca Cola since its incorporation in 1962 has fallen to Rs. 57.16 and then has risen to Rs. 70.71 in 2012. It shows that that the price level is slowly increasing with each passing day. This shows that the company is performing well. Seeing the trend we can tell that since the initial date of Incorporation in the year 1977, there has been a downward trend in the price level of the stock due to major economic downturn faced by US. From the year 2010 to 2012 the price level has risen. It also shows that the price level is rising and the company is earning profit. Answer 3 Two Major events of PepsiCo In February 2011, PepsiCo acquired two-third stake in Wi mm-Bill-Dann Foods. It is a Russian juice producer and Dairy company. Through this PepsiCo increased its stake in the company by 1.37% by buying 601.948 WBD shares. Thus they acquired overall 98.63% stake in the company. PepsiCo had to pay 3.884 roubles per share and also $32.7 per depository receipt. With this acquisition, PepsiCo has expanded their market positioning and hence it has given them a competitive leading position in the market. The share price increased as a result of the acquisition. In February 2012, Indra Nooyi took the decision of restructuring the company by cutting down 8,700 jobs. It equalled to roughly 3% of PepsiCo’s global workforce. This enabled them to increase the amount they allocated to the branding activities. PepsiCo was facing increased costs in their operation. The company first wanted to increase the prices of their products at first. But then they recognized the fact that consumer may not accept the price rise. Hence they started to do the r estructuring plan. Pepsi made the tough decisions because they expected that the companies will face higher input cost of the raw materials as compared to other previous years. Indra Nooyi the CEO of PepsiCo said that the reduction will affect over 30 countries. There major reason was that they wanted to increase the allocation towards the branding activities like advertising, marketing etc. They wanted to increase the expenditure from $ 500 million to $ 600 million in the year 2012. Their major focus was on North America, where they wanted to invest about $100 million in displays, storing racks etc.Indra Nooyi pointed out that by doing this restructuring PepsiCo wanted to save about $1.5 billion by 2013. They took this step because of economic uncertainty which